Articles in category: Artifacts
When we think of casual workwear, we might think of hoodie-wearing CEOs, khaki pants, and jeans on casual Fridays. We might even have Experience with “Hawaiian Shirt Friday,” the epitome of casual Friday in the United States. The Aloha (or “Hawaiian,” … READ MORE »
The only thing that play prepares the child for is more play. – Brian Sutton-Smith As children, we are socialized as well as enculturalized through early games and play. Both encompass the cultural learning Process of children. Thus, every individual h … READ MORE »
Join us on September 18th for a Design Salon with Tim Wright. Tim Wright is the founder of Attucks Adams, a Washington, DC based walking tour company. Here’s a preview! READ MORE »
“Design+Racism in 10 objects. What’s your pick?” READ MORE »
Why has such a simple (and scientifically incorrect) graph become a symbol of the fight against the COVID-19? It’s about design. READ MORE »
In which Melissa summons the courage to critique her doctoral advisor’s post, asserting that over-simplification of artifacts leads to many of the design problems in education that we are trying to avoid. READ MORE »