Month: January 2020


Banner image Design: Fixing clocks | Negotiating systems

artifacts and systems have different levels of complexity and designing them require a different set of skills. READ MORE »

Design: Fixing Clocks | Negotiating Systems

Artifacts and systems have different levels of complexity and designing them require a different set of skills. READ MORE »

What’s the difference between designing living systems and designing technical artifacts? “Life finds a way” to complexify things… READ MORE »

Flea Circus, ecological design

The Flea Circus Fallacy: Jurassic Park and the Perils of Ecological Design

What’s the difference between designing living systems and designing technical artifacts? “Life finds a way” to complexify things… READ MORE »

men standing in line

Some things we design are intangible. Disney’s Imagineers took a universal experience–standing in line–and re-mixed it to fit in the happiest (?) place on Earth. READ MORE »

Designing experience: A Case Study of Disneyland’s Lines

Some things we design are intangible. Disney’s Imagineers took a universal experience–standing in line–and re-mixed it to fit in the happiest (?) place on Earth. READ MORE »
